Lorena M., CU Succeed Student, Spring 2019

Thank you so much for your moving words. I cannot explain how honored I am to have been able to call you my professor. I have greatly enjoyed your class this year and this is by far the best History class I've taken in my entire life.

If I'm being honest, your teaching has made this, usually boring subject (my past opinion), into something that has caught my eye. If it weren't for you, I would not have appreciated history as much as I do now.

I am terribly sad that this school year is coming to an end and because of that, this class has too. I once again have no words to explain how greatly you have helped me change throughout this class, not only as a writer, and as a continuous growing analyst, but also through my perspective on life overall.

I am forever thankful for you and your teachings but also for you seeing the potential in me that I may have not yet seen.

StudentRob Acker